Capacity and Demand II

Capacity and Demand II

Capacity and Demand I discovered this concept while running some frailty prevention events with my wife. It’s a model about physical function, which I translate to psychological function. It emphasises the importance of awareness of our limitations and...
Self-care: both gentle and tough

Self-care: both gentle and tough

There is a lot posted about self-care these days on social media. In an age where stress levels are higher than ever and the to-do list NEVER get completed by the end of the day (unless it’s an abbreviated version), self-care is vital. However, some of us have...
Capacity Vs Demand

Capacity Vs Demand

On 22nd January 2019, it snowed for the first time in Cambridgeshire that winter. Being the big kid that I am, I would normally stand outside revelling in this magical meteorological phenomenon. But this time as the huge flakes fell – seriously, they were huge...
Happy Tough New Year

Happy Tough New Year

Happy Tough New Year Written by Matt Taylor Few would argue that 2020 was a tough year, in so many ways. The long-term consequences of the fear, isolation and lack of contact will only become clear with time. For those whose health has been damaged and those who have...