Organisations grow when people grow
a little
It is a long established fact that team members perform at their best when they feel valued. Optimal performance occurs when a person’s energy, attention and values are aligned.

Mission statements and vision boards have an important place in motivating and maintaining drive but you’ve got to back them up by first looking after your people. If you care for them, you’ll show it, they’ll know it and your clients and customers will sense it. If you don’t, all the fancy, beautifully worded, gilt-framed sentiments will have zero impact.
When individuals are well in themselves, they are able to be creative, form collaborative relationships, maintain focus, think critically, communicate clearly as well as handle the inevitable pressures which arise when operating at high levels.
intangible: imperceptible, abstract, not having a physical presence, unable to be touched
The mindset, attitude, approach, ambience, aura… of your leadership team always affects the performance of your organisation but it can be difficult to clearly identify what it is that the good leaders are doing well and the less effective leaders are doing poorly. This is what I call “the intangibles”.
Intangibles are felt and sensed by your clients, customers, and staff. These intangibles influence purchasing decisions, team spirit, collaboration, efficiency and a whole host of other performance criteria. Intangibles are details which a person can’t quite put their finger on but they will know in themselves whether an experience was good or bad – call it gut instinct or intuition. They will just know.
Investing in the wellbeing of your leaders will have a significant effect on the intangibles in your organisation.
"When leaders are resilient, teams are resilient"
This principle applies to all groups and organisations, leaders set the tone.
The dynamics of organisations are a reflection of the lives we all lead. Life is a rollercoaster of high times and difficulties. How leaders respond to pleasant stuff requires little coaching. It’s how they respond to the tough stuff that very often defines our future. The way our teams perform and how well we weather the storms, and there are always storms, is the key to lasting success.
Resilience does not simply emerge, it is born out of practice. Some learn to be resilient from a young age, others need to learn it as adults. Either way, we can all learn to become more resilient with the use of tried and tested scientifically-backed techniques.
Mental health is becoming one of the greatest health concerns of our generation. Technology has not alleviated the problem, it has probably exacerbated it. Protect your most important assets by training them to be resilient. Resilience is proven by its response to tough times.
We are at our best when we work together. Astonishing feats are possible when human resources are pooled towards a specific goal. Creating an environment which enables strong characters and opinions to thrive takes insight and the understanding of human dynamics?
The capacity for originality is a gift we all own but creativity gets crowded out by the urgent, immediate and inane. Without original ideas, we end up doing the same old thing and get left behind as the environment changes at speed. Incubating and developing your team’s creativity is key to thriving.
One of the greatest flaws of our educational system is the lack of training in critical thinking. Instead of rigorously questioning what we learn, we are trained to regurgitate facts and follow procedures. Great organisations scrutinise what they are doing and why.
We tend to model our communication patterns on those around us; starting with parents and guardians, moving on to peers, those we spend the most time with and especially leaders. Learning to articulate our thoughts, ideas e.g. feedback effectively is key to productive teams.
“Out of control emotions make us stupid” Daniel Goleman.
Everything we do has an emotional element of some form. Top-down executive control of emotions can be learned, allowing you to respond and react to difficult situations with greater composure.

Productivity is so much more than leveraging motivation. If “showing up” and being at our best for each workday was a simple tick-box exercise, every organisation would be thriving. Concepts like belonging, ownership, harmony, fulfilment and purpose are all subtly linked to effective teams.
STRESS, depression & anxiety
According to the HSE (Health and Safety Executive), the number of self-reported cases of work-related stress was 0.5 million. Experts predict this will rise. As an owner of a physiotherapy clinic, which treats musculoskeletal disorders, I have witnessed an increase in the number of stress-related back and neck cases too.
It is clear that we cannot simply overlook a colleague’s response to pressure dismissively or lightheartedly. To do so, not only neglects what is becoming a growing cultural phenomenon, it lacks forethought and wisdom. The consequences of ignoring the mental health wellbeing of valued workers can range from poor morale to poor team performance.
Wise leaders are implementing available wellbeing resources in order to meet the needs of their team members.
We all sense it, the increase in stress and anxiety in our communities is almost palpable. Why wait until one of your colleagues requires time off before you choose a sensible intervention.
There is no simple answer, no silver bullet to this growing concern, I wish there was. The fact is, each of us handles difficulties differently and the reason why we may feel stressed by a particular situation is not always clear. We are complex creatures and that’s why there are many different strategies out there for dealing with the tough stuff of life.
When a person begins to realise that they have all the inner resources they need in order to better cope, the novel experience handling pressure becomes very affirming. Often, the personal growth which comes from gaining greater emotional resilience and emotion regulation has multiple, positive knock-on effects, not least of them, a person’s ability to work more efficiently and collaborate more effectively.
The wellbeing solutions we deliver involve learning many proven tactics and models in order to meet the variety of needs within your organisation. The results will be not only be felt and experienced, but they will also ultimately lead to a more coherent and prolific workforce.
If your work demands innovation, it’s important to know that certain conditions which will stifle it. Some people thrive in high demand circumstances and operate at their best when pressured. For others, it is the complete opposite. This is all linked to wellbeing and personal preference.
Understanding the needs of your team and providing them with a fertile environment will reap rich rewards.
It doesn’t have to involve a long drawn out reconstruction of your practices, sometimes, just little tweaks to the way you approach work can make all the difference.
From Our Clients
The need for wellbeing and good health spans all industries.
“Thanks again for running the session for us yesterday and at such short notice. As per my text the feedback has been great… Quite a few people were disappointed they couldn’t make it so I think we will definitely look to do another. Really overwhelmingly positive feedback though! Thank you!”
“I want to thank you for running the session for the Wellbeing Project last week. It was ‘spot on’ – everybody seemed to enjoy themselves as well as going away with plenty to think about. One of the participants is someone who usually never leaves her school and when we were having a cup of tea after the workshop she said that the session had been transformational for her as she had always been busy, both as a child and as an adult, but now thought it was time for her to find some time to be still“
Start Something great
Let me know what your team’s needs are and we can organise a free consultation to discuss potential opportunities for training.